“One of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field is to become a speaker,” said Dr. Edward Kondrot, founder, Healing the Eye & Wellness Center. “Not only do I enjoy it, but I have spoken internationally at various conferences and events. It’s a great way to contribute to my field.”
With two overseas speaking engagements booked for September, Kondrot will present a case at the International Light Association meeting in Antwerp, Belgium on Sept. 22 as well as speak at the IV World Congress in Rome from September 26-28 on the “Use of Ozone in Eye Disease.”
“Another thing that people need is patience,” added Kondrot. “An opportunity like this doesn’t usually happen overnight for most people. You have to work your way up to that point, establishing expertise and credibility every step along the way.”
For those who would like to become an internationally recognized speaker, Dr. Kondrot offers tips:
- Publish a book. Having a book shows a person has done a lot of research on a topic and likely has information to share.
- Become an expert. Evaluating education, skills, position and more will help a person determine topics in which he or she is an expert and what can be discussed.
- Get experience. New speakers can start by speaking locally or on a state level. Join a group like Toastmasters, or find out if the local community college offers a course on the topic.
- Network. It is important to get on the radar of those who will help determine the speakers and presenters for events. Attend industry events and join international organizations.
- Get the word out. To be scheduled as a speaker, it must be known that a person is one. Get the word out by adding contact information on a personal or professional website or work with a public relations expert.
- Cultivate relationships. Build relationships with people who book speaking engagements, even if they have no speaking engagements available at that point in time.
Dr. Kondrot founded the Healing the Eye & Wellness Center, near Tampa, Fla., which offers alternative and homeopathic routes to vision therapies.