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TSEA announces new board of directors

The Trade Show Exhibitors Association (TSEA) has announced the new additions to its 2011-2012 Board of Directors.

Ann Pennino, CME, Praxair Inc. took over as chairman of TSEA’s Board along with four new directors-at-large.

“The TSEA Board has played a critical role in the expansion of association activities, including Face to Face Connections, TSEA’s hosted buyer programs; the new Certified Manager of Exhibits program; and advocacy and education programs at Red Diamond Congress webinars,” said Margit Weisgal. “I am excited to continue this momentum with the caliber and experience of our 2011-2012 board.”

The new TSEA Active Board members are: Bobbie Tracy, senior manager, customer event marketing – Air & Trade Shows Business Development, The Boeing Company; Robin Gathman – meetings and convention coordinator, PLANMECA USA INC.; and Jessica Farlow, tradeshow manager, White Wave Foods. Rosemarie Libertelli, VP station operations, TWI Group, becomes the new allied director at large.

Bobbie Tracy,Senior Manager, Customer Event Marketing – Air & Trade Shows Business Development, The Boeing Company, has more than 30 years experience at the Boeing company, managing tradeshow strategy and execution, including Boeing’s presence at Farnborough Air Show, Singapore Air Show, regional shows in Dubai and Malaysia, and U.S. military shows including AUSA, AFA and Navy League Sea, Air & Space. Bobbie oversees a tradeshow team of over 15 event managers located across the U.S. She holds a Master Degree in Communications from Webster University in St. Louis. Bobbie serves as the co-chair of the TSEA Advocacy Committee.

Robin Gathman is the convention coordinator for PLANMECA USA Inc. She is well-entrenched in the dental field, from working in a dental office for 11 years as a dental assistant and business manager, to working at a dental supply house as an equipment coordinator, shipping, receiving, customer service and software trainer. She now works for a dental equipment manufacturer as meeting and convention coordinator.

Jessica Farlow is a tradeshow manager for WhiteWave Foods. Jessica began her career in tradeshow and event planning over ten years ago at the University of Colorado at Boulder where she co-chaired the National Association of College and University Residence Hall (NACURH) conference. She has since continued on to a diverse career in the natural and organic products industry. Jessica worked for Whole Foods Market in Boulder, Colo., as the marketing director then moved on to the operations department of New Hope Natural Media where she got her first experience with managing tradeshows. She then worked in sales and marketing as the marketing director for Pet Promise, a division of Nestlé Purina and moved on to her current position as tradeshow manager for WhiteWave Foods. Jessica is currently working towards becoming a Certified Trade Show Manager.

Rosemarie Libertelli, new TSEA allied board member, has been with TWI for 27 years and now holds the position of VP, station operations, based in New Jersey.  Ro, like many of her fellow industry professionals, got into the exhibition world by accident, loved it, and never left.  She works on over 500 shows a year for the 38-year-old company.

In addition to Ann Pennino, CME, TSEA’s executive committee members are: Andrew Dudek, CME, CMP; Rick Rinderle, CME/H. CMP, Novartis; Michael Rapp, Fujitsu Network Communications; and Patricia Sanders, ENSCO.  

Other current TSEA active directors at large who oversee the governance of the association are Karen Jensen, CDW; Teri Nobbe, CME/H, Hill-Rom.  Allied directors at large include: Joel Federbush, Exhibit Surveys, Steve Moskal, Prairie Display/Chicago; and Dave Mihalik, ExpoElite.

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