Election of the Board of Directors for the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) will commence in writing beginning Sept. 8. All UFI members will receive ballot papers to make their selections.
Forty-seven Board seats open for election are:
- China (5)
- France (2)
- Germany (5)
- Italy (3)
- Russia (3)
- Turkey (2)
- UK (2)
For the regions, the numbers of seats available are:
- Americas (2)
- Asia Pacific (7)
- Europe (11)
- Middle East Africa (5)
Elections are a three-year mandate that will commence following the General Assembly at the UFI 81st Congress in Bogota, to be held Oct. 29-Nov. 1.
Also entitled to seats are UFI President Renaud Hamaide, UFI Incoming President Andres Lopes Valderrama and elected 2016 President Sergey Alexeev.
Elected Regional Chapter Chairs will have an automatic seat on the UFI Board, as will the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Associations’ Committee. Election results will be published in July.
The UFI Board is responsible for defining the organization’s main guidelines and supervising its management. It also closes the annual accounts, approves the budgets and establishes and modifies the UFI Internal Rules as well determines UFI member subscriptions.
Once elected, the Board of Directors will elect new members of the UFI Executive Committee, the body that prepares the main outlines of UFI’s overall strategy.
Only members who are up to date in their UFI member subscriptions are eligible for election and can vote.
For more information, contact Sonia Thomas at Sonia@ufi.org.