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We are not alone out there!

I remember my early years working the showfloor beginning in ’79.

Back then, with decades of uninterrupted accelerated growth in the industry, International Business was hardly on most companies’ radar at all. Why should it have been? With the abundance of solid margin “regular domestic” business available (almost) for the taking….WHY BOTHER?

Today in the United States, with industry growth (near past/near future) at just better than stagnant rates (when other factors are factored in), International Business is a welcome growth area to many industry sectors. Inbound to the U.S. as well as exporting our expertise, people and products around the world, U.S. companies are looking at ways to tap this growing business opportunity.

Our May print edition has a number of pieces written by ECN’s Mike Heuer, who recently returned from a week-long trip in Singapore where he explored their many convention centers and meeting places for exhibitors who want to bring business to Southeast Asia. Be sure to read about his firsthand observations and the industry experts who he met along the way!

  • Superior Logistics

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