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Women Who Lead

by Emily Olson

On June 22, Women in Exhibitions hosted its annual breakfast as part of EXHIBITORLive. Nearly 100 women gathered for a thoughtfully prepared continental breakfast and a bit of networking before speaker MaryCay Durrant took to the podium. 

In her presentation, Durrant spoke about the importance of feminine leadership qualities and emphasized that people who possess those qualities are uniquely positioned to lead. Feminine leaders are authentic and present, visionary and intuitive, and cooperative and resilient, qualities important to the success of any organization. 

Durrant pointed out that the pandemic forced many women from the workforce and into caretaking roles, which further upset an already unbalanced system. She referenced a Native American story that says if a bird flies with one wing, it spirals and eventually crashes, and expressed a belief that in business, we often fly with one wing, prioritizing male leadership qualities over feminine ones. She urged those in attendance to embrace their feminine leadership qualities in an effort to restore balance in the workforce so that together, we can soar.

Event sponsors were EXHIBITOR Media Group and Classic Exhibits Inc. (Diamond); Hill & Partners (Platinum); Brumark, Centerpoint Marketing, Design Factory Las Vegas, Hamilton, Impact XM, Taylor, NuVista, Pinnacle and CORT (Gold); Access TCA, ASTOUND, beMatrix, BeyondLive, Condit, Czarnowski, Deckel & Moneypenny, Genesis Exhibits, MSM, Steelhead, Willwork, Xzibits, ExhibitForce (Silver); and EDPA Las Vegas Chapter (Bronze).

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