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World Show Services now offers exhibit services

World Show ServicesHorst Tondasch, president of Coral Enterprises, has partnered with Skip Day, president of DayDesign, to launch World Show Services LLC. The new company was introduced in 2010 at EXHIBITOR2010 in Las Vegas and just celebrated its first successful year as a joined business.

World Show Services is designed to offer US exhibitors consulting services or full-service design and project management for tradeshow booths and events. Smooth execution as well as focusing on local cultural differences and challenges allows World Show Services to ensure a presentation for companies worldwide.

With 30 years in the tradeshow industry, Horst Tondasch is dedicated to bridging international tradeshow and exhibition culture. He has been tradeshow manager for Lufthansa Airlines and international consultant with offices in Europe and the United States.

Skip Day, a career designer with tradeshow and architecture background, creates projects for international clients, incorporating both European display systems and American construction techniques; this approach has developed the practical design philosophy he is recognized for today.


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