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World’s largest subcontractor tradeshows partner in Paris


Scandinavian subcontractor companies now have a greater opportunity to profile themselves to the French market.

Elmia Subcontractor, a Swedish tradeshow for subcontractors in the manufacturing industry, has signed an agreement with French Midest, the world’s largest tradeshow for the subcontractor industry.

“Now we’re not only the gateway to Scandinavian industry, we have also built a bridge with the rest of the world,” says Karla Eklund, project manager, Elmia Subcontractor. “We’re proud of this co-operation and view it as an excellent platform – both for further strengthening our Swedish subcontractors on the international market, and for inviting the world to come to us.”

Exhibitors at Midest have access to 40,000 visitors from 70 countries. Held annually in Paris, the show is scheduled this year from Nov. 19-22. Midest is part of Reed Exhibitions.

“Many companies look to Germany or Asia when they want to establish themselves on international ground. But France is a very exciting market, with a large automotive industry and future investments in renewable energy and wind power,” says Eklund.

The partnership also means this will strengthen Elmia Subcontractor even more, according to Eklund.

“Having a fair like Midest as a partner is a seal of quality. It means we’re a player to be reckoned with internationally.”

Superior Logistics

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