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EDPA CA happy hour 630x380

EDPA CA In Person Happy Hour July 15

EDPA California invites tradeshow/events folks to join them for their first in-person happy hour of the year. The event will take place at The Rooftop

Hicks and James

SWIAEE Educational Meet-Up June 29

The Southwest Chapter of IAEE announced that its next educational meet-up, The Recovery Path Finders: Discoveries from World of Concrete and The International Surface Event (TISE),

EDPA LV Tourney

EDPA Las Vegas Golf Outing a Success

On June 9, the Las Vegas Chapter of EDPA, working in conjunction with the EDPA Foundation, hosted the 18th Annual Las Vegas Scholarship Golf Classic. While

capitol building

Pandemic Risk Insurance Legislation

ASAE joined the steering committee of the Business Continuity Coalition as a part of the association’s steadfast effort to help pass critically needed pandemic risk insurance legislation. “ASAE

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