July 27, 2024 12:30 AM
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ECN Announces 2024 Quarter 2 Print Edition

by Marlena Sullivan, Digital Editor, Exhibit City News

Today, I am pleased to announce that the Quarter 2 2024 issue for Exhibit City News will be live this Sunday, March 31st. You will be able to access the edition by the link on our homepage. For those of you who will receive our physical print, look forward to it in the coming weeks.I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I do.

When I started working at Exhibit City News, it was a whirlwind: the end of the year, all new terminology and lingo to memorize, a magazine to print, and new people to meet. I cannot say things have gotten slower, but they have become easier to navigate. The terminology—once names thrown at me like words to a wall, hoping they’ll stick—is now consistent in my vocabulary and staples in my conversations. Our advertisers that I worried I would never know? I now look at them and think of them as dear friends. Three short months since the first magazine, and we are here.

Our Quarter 2 print is about sustainability. For many, this will mean big green banners, checkmarks in boxes about your carbon footprint, and all the components that need to be recycled or reused. It is more than that. At EXHIBITORLIVE I wore a hat to the Opening Celebrations and many of our colleagues commented about it with much joy. When asked about it, I recounted that I have over eighty hats, most that I have gotten second-hand either through friends or family. Each one has a story that I can share with a special enthusiasm unique to each hat. To me, that is sustainability. It is recycling the old and reusing what we can, but it is fostering and caring for that which we already have.

Sustainability is working together towards a better world, working with nature rather than against it. Sustainability is maintaining relationships between people and growing them in an organic way that feels memorable and timeless. Sustainability is creating experiences that can be repeated without feeling old or overworn for our clients and ourselves. Sustainability is proving yourself as a part of the ecosystem of the planet and the tradeshow industry, finding your place, and branching out to connect with others, helping to balance each other and grow.

Our feature article on sustainability by Pat Friedlander, touches on experts in the field to give you guidance on the sustainable future. Our articles by Liz Lathan and the AIPC highlight additional but important considerations for sustainability in swag and venues.

Along with more well-known sustainability topics, we continue our Evolution of Tradeshow series, written by Larry Kulchawik. You can read the first part of the evolution here. Our new Business Beacon series begins with an excellent article written by Pat Alacqua and Jane Gentry about future-proofing your business. From industry advocacy to networking, experiential design to show floor etiquette, Exhibit City News is here to help you develop better experiences for your customers and staff.

And as I have been told repeatedly by all those I’ve met and will continue to meet; we are in the business of cultivating experiences.

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