EDPA Foundation celebrates member contributions with new program

The Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA) Foundation launched a new program to recognize its member companies for their contribution to the programs of the organization.

POM_logo-EDPAThe Grantor Program creates a way for companies of all sizes to be a part of the Foundation’s scholarship and good works programs that impact individual members of the tradeshow industry.

“We are an industry that asks a lot of our people – long hours and hard work for extended periods of time preparing for and executing tradeshows for our clients,” said Bill Haney, chairman-elect, EDPA Foundation. “We want to acknowledge and celebrate our employees, and one way we can do that as owners of businesses in this industry is to support the foundation that supports these people.”

The EDPA Foundation exists to provide support for industry members and their families through financial assistance and through scholarships.  The EDPAF Scholarship Fund awards scholarships for higher education for families of industry members.  The Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic raises funds to aid industry members and their families suffering emotional and financial hardships.

To participate in the Grantor Program, companies pledge a three year commitment to donate funds based on their gross sales: Companies over $250 million in sales pledge $20,000 per year; $100-250 million pledge $10,000 per year; $25-99 million pledge $5,000 per year; $10-24 million pledge $2,500 per year; and companies less than $10 million pledge $1,000 per year.

In return, supporters receive recognition on the Foundation’s website, in printed material and at Foundation national events; a plaque for their offices and authorization to use their supporter status on company websites; and internal and external marketing materials.  Larger contributors receive special recognition as the industry’s largest supporters.

To become a Grantor with the EDPA Foundation, contact the EDPA at 203-852-5698 or visit www.edpa.com/foundation.

In addition to the Grantor Program, the EDPA Foundation Silent Auction is another key method of generating funds.  Chaired by Mary Beth Geiser, this year’s Silent Auction will take place on Dec. 5 during the EDPA ACCESS convention in Marco Island, Fla.

Donations of auction items are still being accepted. To find a link to the donation form and gift registry, visit http://access.edpa.com/silent-auction/.

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