The Las Vegas Chapter of the Exhibit Designers and Producers Association is once again sponsoring the annual Tim Provo Blood Drive, which is being held September 21-28, 2011. This the the 3rd year that the Las Vegas Chapter will sponsor the event.
For those who are not aware, Tim was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia back in July of 2009 and the Las Vegas Chapter of EDPA wanted to do something that would allow the industry to show Tim our support.
While this started as a local Las Vegas initiative, the response from friends, family and colleagues across the country has been overwhelming.
“We are excited to have some new companies commit to hosting drives,” said Alicia Rosen, president of the EDPA Las Vegas Chapter. “We are sure this year will be bigger than ever.”
There will be dedicated drives in the following cities:
• Las Vegas, Nev., courtesy of Czarnowski (September 21, 2011, 12p.m. – 3p.m.) To sign up to donate at this location, please contact Shannon MacIntyre at (702) 939-6634 or email smacintyre@czarnowski.com
• North Las Vegas, Nev., courtesy of Elements (September 28, 2011, 4p.m. – 8p.m. This is also the wrap party.) To sign up to donate at this location, please contact Karen Lane at (702) 651-9611 x 101 or email klane@elements-exhibits.com.
Additional locations, times and dates are yet to be confirmed. For more details, please visit www.edpalv.com or email arosen@elements-exhibits.com.
• Rochester, N.Y., courtesy of Mirror Show Management
• Mahwah, N.J., courtesy of Sharp
• La Palma, Calif., courtesy of Freddie Georges Production Group
If you would like information on how to host a drive, it’s not too late. Contact Alicia Rosen at (702) 651-9611 you’re interested. You don’t have to visit a drive location to donate. You can still contribute to our nationwide numbers by visiting any local blood donation center during that week. Just send an email to edpalv@yahoo.com.