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EVOLIO Marketing’s Federbush to Present Educational Sessions at EXHIBITORLIVE

Joe federbushFocus on Measuring Exhibits, Trade Shows and Events

EVOLIO Marketing Inc., an agency dedicated to helping marketers create the best brand experiences, announced today that Joe Federbush (at right), president, will present educational sessions at EXHIBITORLIVE in Las Vegas on March 15 and 16.

EXHIBITOR magazine’s EXHIBITORFastTrak features university-affiliated sessions that can lead to Certified Trade Show Marketer professional certification. The CTSM designation is awarded by EXHIBITOR in affiliation with Northern Illinois University Outreach and reflects adherence to the highest educational standards of trade show and event marketing.

Following are the sessions Federbush will lead:

Intel Corporation: How to Make Your Brand Stand Out on the Trade Show Floor

With Victor Torregroza, brand experiences program manager, Global Event Marketing, Intel Corporation; Michael Klym, VP creative director, The Taylor Group; and Katharine Lentini-Judah, LeadDog Marketing Group

Wednesday, March 15, 8 a.m.

Learn how to stand out on the show floor. Go behind the scenes of Intel’s award-winning process for building meaningful, measurable trade show activations for CES (International Consumer Electronic Show). Explore event strategy, environmental design, live experiences, social engagements, measurement and more. Learn to:

•         Craft an event activation based on your brand or event strategy to create a smart, purposeful and exciting trade show environment

•         Understand the characteristics of a dynamic and industry-recognized booth design

•         Create engaging and relevant live experiences for your brand and extend them via social channels

•         Develop metrics that align with event strategy to measure impact and marketing performance

How to Measure the Value of Trade Show Participation – Part I: Basic Concepts

Wednesday, March 15 3:45 p.m., and Thursday March 16, 1 p.m.

Justify and grow your trade show marketing. This CTSM required session provides basic building blocks for measuring the value of trade show marketing. Topics include:

•                     How to ensure that your event investments pay off

•                     Identifying the four sources of value from event marketing

•                     Estimating value for each component of event payback

•                     Establishing a payback ratio as an index of trade show value

•                     Basic organizing and presentation of results to management

Session includes examples, case studies and worksheets to help you put this knowledge to work and allow you to focus on your program strengths and weaknesses and likely opportunities for ROI improvement.

How to Measure the Value of Trade Show Participation – Part II: Practical Application

Thursday, March 16, 3 p.m.

Apply what you learned in the basic trade show value measurement concepts session to your own program. Pre-requisite: How to Measure the Value of Trade Show Participation – Part I: Basic Concepts. Through examples, case studies and worksheets, you will learn to:

•                     Assess your program’s strengths and weaknesses

•                     Work with the four elements of value

•                     Estimate appropriate event budgets, staff and exhibit sizes

•                     Select and invest wisely in your show schedule

•                     Apply other types of measurement to compliment ROI

•                     Assign key performance indicators

•                     Deploy and apply customer and visitor research

•                     Report event performance to senior management

This session provides for indvidual guidance in working with measuring and reporting your own event scenarios and results.  This session includes a pre- and in-class assessment of your program strengths and weaknesses—and identification of likely opportunities for ROI and performance improvement.

EVOLIO Marketing Inc. is dedicated to helping marketers create the best brand experiences in a way that profoundly impacts their businesses and professions.  EVOLIO Marketing’s exclusive portfolio of marketing solutions will evolve your brand’s entire event marketing process beginning with identifying business challenges to obtaining measurable and actionable results.  EVOLIO’s distinctive process is specifically designed for companies of all sizes and budgets.   EVOLIO helps answer your toughest question:  How do I successfully align our events to our business strategy and make sure they deliver effective results? (

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