The PCMA nominating committee met on August 26 in Chicago, Ill., which was chaired by John Folks, past chairman of the board, reviewed an impressive number of nominee applications in detail. After careful deliberation, the committee proposed a slate of candidates for leadership positions on the 2011 PCMA board of directors.
According to the PCMA bylaws, this official announcement of the projected slate is to be sent to the membership by October 1, 2010. The nominating process, according to the bylaws, article XII, section 1(d), allows for additional nominations for any officer or director position by members who submit a petition. The petition is required to be signed by five percent of the members, from the respective membership category appropriate to that position, and submitted to the president and CEO no later than the close of business November 1, 2010.
Unless there are additional petition nominations from the membership, the following officers and directors will be deemed elected, and will take office immediately following the 55th PCMA annual meeting, convening leaders in Las Vegas, Nev., on January 9-12, 2011.
Proposed slate of new officers and directorsChair-elect; Kent E. Allaway, CEM, CMP, vice president, meetings and tradeshows, Produce Marketing Association; term: 2011.
Since joining PMA, Allaway’s responsibilities have covered practically all aspects of convention, tradeshow and meeting logistics. Allaway is a past president for the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of PCMA and is active throughout the meetings industry.
Secretary-Treasurer; Johnnie C. White, CMP, executive director, meetings and educational services, Cardiovascular Research Foundation; term: 2011.
With more than 12 years of experience in the field of meeting planning, White oversees academic programs, meeting planning and exhibitor services. He served as the 2006 PCMA annual meeting program chair as well as PCMA Capital Chapter president.
Professional directors; Laurie Fitzgerald, CMP, senior meeting manager, Allstate Insurance Company; term: 2011-2013.
Fitzgerald has experience in association and corporate event management, as well as incentive travel. She served as 2001 PCMA Greater Midwest Chapter president and 2007 PCMA Annual Meeting Program committee chair, among other PCMA and industry involvement.
Christine M. Klein, CMP, executive director, Women’s Dermatologic Society; term: 2011-2013.
Klein has more than 20 years experience in managing meetings, events, marketing, and sales efforts for various associations. Active at both the chapter and headquarter levels of PCMA, she served as the 2009 Annual Meeting Program committee chair.
Raymond J. Kopcinski, CMP, director of meeting services, Million Dollar Round Table; term: 2011-2013.
With extensive meetings industry and international experience, Kopcinski is responsible for all meetings produced by Million Dollar Round Table. He currently serves as the international session development liaison to the 2011 PCMA Annual Meeting Program committee.
William F. Reed, CMP, senior vice president, Experient, Inc.; term: 2011-2013.
Reed is a senior executive with vast meetings industry experience in various sectors, such as association, corporate and government. Very active at the PCMA Chapter level, he served as 2008 PCMA Capital Chapter president.
Supplier partner directors; Ben Goedegebuure, director of sales, Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre; term: 2011-2013. Goedegebuure has broad international supplier experience and has served as the executive director of a major international association. He has been a speaker at PCMA events and served on PCMA’s International Task Force.
James E. Rooney, executive director, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority; term: 2011-2013.
Rooney has over 25 years of diverse professional management and public service experience. He participates in both PCMA’s North American advisory and CEO summits. Rooney was named to Tradeshow Week’s Power Pack as one of the top 10 convention bureau/center leaders in North America.
The following individuals will continue to serve on the board in new positions
• Chairman of the board; Susan R. Katz, director of corporate events and travel, True Value Company; term: 2011.
• Immediate past chairman of the board; Kati S. Quigley, CMP, director, event marketing, Microsoft Corporation; term: 2011.
The following individuals will continue to serve in their existing board positions
• Professional directors; Willie L. Benjamin, II, assistant director, meetings and expositions, American Chemical Society; term: 2010-2012.
• Hunter Clemens, CMP, vice president, Association Management Group/Meetings Management Group; term: 2009-2011.
• James S. Goodman, CMP, managing vice president, division of conference and meeting services, American Dental Association; term: 2009-2011.
• David Little, assistant CEO, Western Veterinary Conference; term: 2010-2012.
• Christopher Wehking, CMP, director, meetings and exhibits, American Society of Anesthesiologists; term: 2010-2012.
• David L. Williams, CMP, executive director, International Association for Energy Economics; term: 2009-2011.
• Supplier Partner Directors; Carrie Freeman Parsons, vice chair and chief marketing officer, Freeman; term: 2010-2012.
• Richard B. Green, vice president of association business development and strategic partnerships, Marriott International; term: 2010-2012.
• Randall Tanaka, assistant general manager, Hawai’i Convention Center; term: 2009-2011.
• Don Welsh, president and CEO, Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association; term: 2010-2011.
If you are interested in submitting a nomination petition, please contact Deborah Sexton, president and CEO, at 312.423.7210 or for petition details and procedures.
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