Exhibit City News Staff

EDPA members plan for spring

The Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA) will host chapter meetings in March. The EDPA board meeting is set for March 14, prior to the

Las Vegas chapter looks to the future

The Las Vegas Chapter of the Exhibit Designers and Producers Association (EDPA) will host a breakfast meeting during EXHIBITOR2010 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Syracuse CVB executive earns top honor

The Syracuse Convention and Visitors Bureau (SCVB) recently announced Tracey Kegebein, vice president of sales and services, received the 2010 New York State Hospitality and

Blue Telescope wins Event Design Award

  The Interactive Timeline Explorer is an interactive tabletop display that features an animated timeline of significant events in the history of the converted aircraft

Access TCA names four new vice presidents

Access TCA has expanded its executive suite, promoting four long-time industry leaders in administration, sales and marketing, design and communication services. Pamela Laferriere, vice president

Greetings to readers everywhere!

People, People, EVERYWHERE! If there is a central theme to this month’s print edition, it’s people. People are on the move as our industry continues

Exhibit City News