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North America

Hicks and James

SWIAEE Educational Meet-Up June 29

The Southwest Chapter of IAEE announced that its next educational meet-up, The Recovery Path Finders: Discoveries from World of Concrete and The International Surface Event (TISE),

Sweets and Snacks

First Post-Pandemic Food Show Opens

The Sweets & Snacks Expo officially opened as the first tradeshow to be held in Indianapolis in 2021 and the first food industry tradeshow in


MCCNO Wins Best Event Venue

Readers of New Orleans CityBusiness, a weekly business newspaper, have named the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center as the top winner of the Best Event &

EDPA LV Tourney

EDPA Las Vegas Golf Outing a Success

On June 9, the Las Vegas Chapter of EDPA, working in conjunction with the EDPA Foundation, hosted the 18th Annual Las Vegas Scholarship Golf Classic. While

MPI WEC ballroom pix

MPI WEC 2021 Held at Caesars

Caesars Entertainment, Inc. welcomed Meeting Professionals International’s World Education Congress June 15-17. The conference was the first major in-person meeting held at the 550,000-square-foot conference

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