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Bob.McGlincy Tradeshow Times

MAGIC in Orlando Emphasized Safety

by Bob McGlincy, director, business management at Willwork Global Event Services There is magic happening with face-to-face events, as more show management companies prove safe,

CC Spotlight Savannah

CC Spotlight: Savannah Convention Center

by F. Andrew Taylor Savannah, the oldest city in Georgia boasts one of the youngest convention centers in the country. The 330,000-sq.ft. Savannah Convention Center

p10 Savannah CC Snapshot

CC Snapshot: Savannah Convention Center

Savannah Convention Center Location: One International Drive, Hutchinson Island, Savannah, GA Year built: Opened in 2000 Size: The SCC is 330,000 sq.ft. and contains 103,000

Bob.McGlincy Tradeshow Times

Tradeshows Work: Apple Computer Case Study

by Bob McGlincy, director, business management at Willwork Global Event Services Tradeshows work.  They work very well.  They establish brand recognition; they generate sales; and,


Six Surprising Int’l. Etiquette Rules

The International Man by Larry Kulchawik With a halt on tradeshow activities worldwide for the past few months, some countries are returning back to hosting

As_The_Saws_Turn Jim Obermeyer

When Things Get Tough

by Jim Obermeyer I recently returned from the EDPA ACCESS Conference, held in San Antonio, Texas. Down from a typical attendance of near 300, this

Bob.McGlincy Tradeshow Times

The Rise and Fall of COMDEX 1979-2006

Sheldon Adelson passed away last week on January 11 at 87. Some may know him for his philanthropy, his politics or his rags-to-riches story. His

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