
Bob.McGlincy Tradeshow Times

How Big is the Convention Industry?

by Bob McGlincy In 2019, the business meetings industry attracted more than 81 million individuals in the U.S., and employed more than 6,650,000 people (which

Hosni Zaouali Tech-AdaptiKa header

Will Event Industry Look to EdTech?

the corporate events’ industry biggest enemy is boredom. And EdTech is the solution to this boredom, as it offers the prospect of using fun and intuitive learning strategies that might look more like entertainment than traditional lectures and seminars.

GMD 2019 at capitol

First-to-Close, Last-to-Reopen

The Power of Advocacy: Business Event Builders and Suppliers Seek Entry into the Shuttered Venues Grant Program by Kevin Binger, senior vice president, Cassidy &

LVCC West Hall 600x400

LVCC West Hall Now Open for Business

by Calanit Atia The Las Vegas Convention Center West Hall expansion was completed in time for CES in January (which was postponed), but fortunately the

Exhibit City News