
electrify Expo

Fans Are Electric for Electrify Expo

by: Bob McGlincy The award-winning Electrify Expo returns in 2022 with five separate events spread across the country. Billed as “North America’s Largest E-Mobility Festival,”

Huntington Place CC Snapshot

CC Snapshot: Huntington Place

by Jeanne Brei CC Snapshot: Huntington Place Location: One Washington Blvd., Detroit, MI 48226 Date Opened: August 15, 1960 Square Footage: With 723,000 sq.ft. of

Huntington Place CC Spotlight 600x400

CC Spotlight: Huntington Place

Located along a beautifully restored international riverfront in the heart of a vibrant downtown Detroit, the iconic venue is the 17th largest convention center in

Exhibit City News